World largest semiconductor chip manufacturer Intel has joined hands with Google to bring its RealSense 3D mapping and scanning technology to Google’s Project Tango. The announcement was made by Intel CEO Brian Kraznich at the Intel Developer Forum (IDF). He showcased the prototype of the device which is the size of an average smartphone and has a slew of cameras mounted on its rear.
Intel introduced its RealSense technology last year which is now available in select laptops and tablets. The RealSense 3D camera technology can measure depth, recognize faces and enable gesture control.
Kraznich showed off the prototype device that has the ability to map and photograph an entire room in a matter of seconds, and can be used to send out the blueprints for professional 3D printing. Krazinch seemed rather confident about the device’s capabilities and said it would break ‘the limits of what a phone can do.’
And to boost the security of these platforms, Intel announced its homegrown Enhanced Privacy Identification (EPID), a silicon-level compute engine to tackle anonymous communications on IoT-based apps.
Most of the details are still under wraps, though we should learn more about the initiative when developer kits are released which will likely happen by the end of the year. Pricing details have not been announced as well, though expect a hefty price tag as developer kits are never exactly cheap.
Intel also unveiled a bunch of software development kits primarily related to identity and time, which will also be released by the end of the year. Specifically, the Intel IQ Identity SDK, which has the potential to solve the current password problem that a lot of companies have been trying to figure out.
‘We want our devices to behave like humans’, said Krzanich
To recall, the search engine giant’s Advanced Technology and Projects (ATAP) group announced Project Tango in February last year. Google back revealed their plans about the initiative, primarily aimed to be used in the field of indoor navigation/mapping, augmented reality games along with new algorithms to process sensor data. ATAP project lead John Lee said Project Tango will primarily provide mobile devices an understanding of ‘space and notion.’