Inspired by Snapchat, Instagram rolls out its own curated video channel, which shows some of the most popular videos posted by Instagrammers. The feature has not been given a specific name yet, though it hovers like an advertisement just above the explore tabs bringing streams dedicated to specific events, Halloween in the present scenario.
Instagram users who opened the app on October 31, were presented with ‘Watch Halloween’s Best Videos’ prompt on top of their feed. On clicking the prompt, users were redirected to a video-only content feed, which was especially by Instagram’s employees aimed at capturing the essence of the holiday season, along with offering a curated content of videos of the events happening around. Interested users can submit posts by giving them a tag #IGHalloween.
Meanwhile, the company is also looking forward to cover more events, for instance, the upcoming winter holiday season along with music festivals along with events that affect society, in general, such as the tragic earthquake that recently took place in Nepal.
“This is a new way to experience events and big moments, as they happen, through the eyes of the Instagram community,” said an Instagram spokesperson.
Instagram describes this new video feed as ‘immersive’, which certainly has the potential to attract more users on the platform that is primarily known for sharing still images. The platform is evolving into something more formidable, and it should not come as a surprise that the platform now has 400 million monthly active users, surpassing micro-blogging site Twitter which has a monthly user base of 320 million.
The company has been constantly updating the platform with new features. Earlier this year Instagram overhauled its Explore page making it easier for users to discover new and trending information, along with a new feature that lets users see and upload high res (1080×1080 pixels) images.