Apple could be prepping a new 15-inch MacBook Air model for launch in 2023. However, that could be at the cost of the smaller 12-inch model which, as Bloomberg’s Mark Gurman claims has been put on the back burner. If this is true then this is going to be the first time that the Cupertino company would be coming up with a 15-inch MacBook Air which so far had maxed out at 13.3 inches. Also, this isn’t the first time that reports of a larger MacBook Air model being in the making is making headlines as we have had come across such rumors last year itself.
According to Gurman, Apple will be launching new MacBook Pro models having 14-inch and 16-inch displays. Of these, while the 14-inch version will come powered by the M2 Pro chipset, the 16-inch version will have the M2 Max at its core. It is not known though what the 15-inch MacBook Air is going to be powered with.
Also, while it seems a 12-inch MacBook Air is no longer a priority at Apple at the moment, the same making it to the forefront sometime later can’t be ruled out entirely. In fact, experts believe, it could be back in the limelight as early as 2024 itself. Apple had earlier launched the 12-inch MacBook back in 2015 before discontinuing the same in 2019.