Home Technology Google’s Transparency Report: 77% Online Traffic Encrypted, YouTube to be enciphered

Google’s Transparency Report: 77% Online Traffic Encrypted, YouTube to be enciphered

Google announced 77 percent of all traffic from around the world reaching its data centers is encrypted. What this essentially means is that nearly all of its services except YouTube use HTTPS encryption.

It marks a significant improvement over the 52 percent encryption mark that the search giant showed off towards end-2013. The figure is slated to rise further once YouTube, now boasts of a billion plus viewers, gets an encryption shield as is scheduled before the end of the year.

Google also said its Gmail service is already fully encrypted so long as both sender and receiver are within the ambit of its email program. The company, however, stated that might not be the case when exchanging mail with other email services.

Google Maps is another of its service that scores high on privacy, with nearly 83 percent of all traffic being encrypted. Google’s News and Finance are lower down the ladder with 60 % and 58 % encryption respectively.


Advertising too has made significant achievements towards protecting user’s privacy with 77 percent of ads being protected via SSL. This marks a huge jump from just 7 percent recorded in 2013. This assumes, even more, significance owing to the size and interoperability requirements of the ad network. Mass adoption of HTTPS in Google’s ad network is also important since this has often served as an easy target for spreading malware.

SSL encryption ensures a secure connection between a sender and a receiver so that all data exchanged between them appear unintelligible to a third party.

Topics such as privacy or encryptions have been doing the rounds ever since the US government-backed mass surveillance schemes came to light a few years back. The surveillance might have been continuing to this day had it not been for ex-NSA contractor Edward Snowden, who first blew the lid on this. The scope and scale of the surveillance program too had stunned the world as it sought to establish control on almost all online traffic emanating from all regions of the world.


While NSA cited US national security interest as reasons for embarking on the ambitious spying mission, netizens clearly weren’t impressed. Google jumped onto the scene to promote privacy of online users and even introduced a revised search algorithm in 2014 that sought to give a higher page ranking to sites that incorporated encryption technology.

The search giant also expressed its commitment to user’s privacy online by pledging full support to Apple in the latter fight with the FBI over encryption and privacy issues.