According to popular Bloomberg tech writer Mark Gurman, Apple originally intended to unveil its mixed-reality headset to consumers at a launch event this spring, likely in late March or April, and then showcase its features to developers at the WWDC. However, the company has now decided to present all the details of the device at the developer conference alongside new releases of iOS, watchOS, and macOS. This change, made in recent weeks, resulted from engineering problems related to both hardware and software. Nevertheless, this shift in strategy may have turned out to be beneficial.
A mixed-reality headset is also undoubtedly the most unconventional product and a potentially high-risk first-generation device that Apple has launched in recent times. In June of this year, conference attendees may have the opportunity to learn about “all the specifics of the device.” The rumored delay, which could be another obstacle to Apple’s entry into the MR market, may ultimately benefit the “Reality” line. If its debut takes place at the WWDC 2023 eve as is being actively speculated, the developers are more likely to work on the software that could determine its success.
According to reports, Apple has made significant progress in the development of its first-generation Reality headset, which may support advanced capabilities like gesture recognition and air-typing. As a result, the headset is expected to be a prosumer product rather than a standard ecosystem device. The inaugural Apple headset, which is expected to debut under the Reality brand, is estimated to cost approximately $3,000. It will feature emerging technologies such as pass-through cameras, air typing, hand and eye control, and ultra-high-resolution displays. The device will also come equipped with an external battery and will have primary use cases that may not be immediately attractive to the general public.
In addition to perfecting the cutting-edge technologies featured in its headset, Apple is also faced with the challenge of entering a market that has been underwhelmed and perplexed by rival companies’ efforts. Meta Platforms Inc. has recently framed the mixed-reality market as one that is centered on the metaverse, virtual avatars, and all-day experiences within virtual reality. However, this approach has not gained much traction, and the number of people who continue using their Meta headsets after six months has reportedly declined.
Several consumers have expressed their reluctance to be confined to a virtual realm and have voiced their skepticism regarding the metaverse as the future. In fact, an Apple marketing executive has gone as far as to state that they will never use the term “metaverse”. As a result, Apple would require a more favorable platform to launch its product, and there’s hardly a crowd more receptive to Apple than the one that attends WWDC.