Huawei has unveiled its latest Mate 20 Pro in India and it is not just another phone with an in-screen fingerprint sensor. Everything else with the new Mate 20 Pro points to a high-end offering. That includes Huawei’s own Kirin 980 chipset built using advanced 7 nm FinFET manufacturing process. Further, there is going to be two variants of the phone on offer – a base version with 6 GB of RAM and 128 GB of storage and the top of the line model with 8 GB memory and 256 GB of on-board storage. Huawei is also claiming the phone to be compatible with future 5G wireless networking technology.
The new Mate 20 Pro also comes with an advanced 3D facial recognition feature details of which is yet a mystery as of now. The 3D cams are again housed within the front notch, which happens to be the design feature to note about the front. Then again there is the 6.39-inch 3,120 x 1,440 pixels AMOLED display dominating the front. Also, of course, there is also the fingerprint sensor embedded within the front display.
As for its optics, the Mate 20 Pro comes generously equipped and includes three rear facing cams. The rear cam setup includes a standard 40-megapixel sensor, an ultra-wide 20-megapixel lens along with an 8-megapixel telephoto lens. The front meanwhile comes with a single lens 24-megapixel lens to suffice for selfie shots. The company is introducing AI-powered real time cinema effects with its most anticipated flagship series. The device will support the adjustment of hue, saturation, and brightness, providing the fundamental and essential elements of video.
Apart from the triple camera setup, another unique aspect of the Mate 20 Pro is its reverse charging ability, which means the smartphone itself can charge other Qi-enabled devices. That apart, the phone features a 4,200mAh battery and includes a 40-watt fast-charger for ultra-fast replenishment of charge. Mate 20 Pro is available in 4 colors new Emerald Green color, Twilight color, Black and Midnight Blue.
Also, Huawei Mate 20 Pro features world’s most precise GPS that supports dual-band (L1+L5) GPS positioning technology. As per the officials, “it supports Dual Frequency AI Satellite-Selection GPS with L5 band, enabling to support more accurate localization. The AI GPS Satellite Selection technology enhances the positioning accuracy across a wide range of scenarios”.
As for its price, Mate 20 Pro is going to be an Amazon exclusive at INR 69,990 for regular customer starting midnight on December 3, 2018. Also, in a surprising bundle package Sennheiser PXC 550 Wireless noise-canceling headphones + Mate 20 Pro will be available for INR 71,990. Huawei has also partnered with Croma stores for Mate 20 Pro offline presence starting December 10, 2018.