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Meta Sets GPT-4 as the Benchmark for Its Next AI Model, New Report Reveals

In a groundbreaking development, Meta Platforms, Inc. is reportedly setting its sights on creating an AI model that rivals OpenAI’s latest GPT-4. According to a recent report by The Verge, Meta aims to train a new model that will be as powerful as GPT-4, OpenAI’s latest and most advanced chatbot. This move comes as competition in the AI space intensifies, with tech giants like Google and Apple also in the race.

Why GPT-4?

GPT-4, developed by OpenAI, is a large multimodal model capable of accepting both image and text inputs while emitting text outputs. It has set new benchmarks in various professional and academic fields, exhibiting human-level performance. Meta’s decision to use GPT-4 as a benchmark indicates the company’s ambition to be at the forefront of AI technology.

Meta’s Previous Endeavors

Earlier this year, Meta unveiled LLaMA 2, its first large language model that is available for free to the public. This move was seen as Meta’s commitment to open-source AI. However, the new report suggests that Meta is now aiming higher, targeting a model that can compete with GPT-4.

Competitive Landscape

The Wall Street Journal also reported that Meta’s new initiative is part of the escalating competition in the AI sector. Companies like Google and Apple are also investing heavily in AI, making it crucial for Meta to stay ahead in the game.

What’s Next?

According to sources, Meta plans to release its new AI model next year. This ambitious timeline shows the company’s urgency to make significant advancements in AI technology.

Key Takeaways

  • Meta is planning to develop an AI model that will rival OpenAI’s GPT-4.
  • The company aims to release this new model next year.
  • This move is part of the escalating competition in the AI sector, with giants like Google and Apple also in the race.
  • Meta had earlier shown its commitment to open-source AI by releasing LLaMA 2 for free.


As AI technology continues to evolve, Meta’s decision to set GPT-4 as the benchmark for its next model is a significant development. It not only reflects the company’s ambitions but also sets the stage for an intense competition in the AI sector. With plans to release the new model next year, all eyes will be on Meta to see if it can indeed set a new standard in AI technology.

Note: This article is based on reports from The Verge, Seeking Alpha, and MIT Technology