Retailers in India have now started taking pre-orders for Apple’s latest gen iPhones. The company is yet to announce the devices’ official prices in the country, though sources suggest that the lowest storage variant of the iPhone 6S is expected to cost Rs.62,000.
Sources also point that Apple has communicated indicative prices along with giving a green flag to begin the pre-order process in the country. The Economic Times reports that 16GB iPhone 6S Plus will be priced around Rs.72,000, while its 128GB variant is expected to get a price tag of Rs.82,000.
These prices are quite a notch up as opposed to iPhones launched in the country last year. The iPhone 6 was launched at Rs.53,500 for the 16GB variant, Rs.62,500 for the 64GB variant, and Rs.71,500 for the 128GB variant. While its larger sibling’s 16GB variant was priced at Rs.62,500, the 64GB variant was priced at Rs.71,500 and finally the 128GB variant was priced at Rs.80,500.
The new iPhones will officially go on sale in the country starting midnight on October 15, while Apple India distributor Ingram Micro also says that the latest iPhones will be available in more than 2500 retail stores across the country.
The Cupertino giant unveiled the iPhone 6S and 6S Plus at its fall event on September 9. The main highlight of these new iPhones is the 3D touch display, the new A9 processor for faster and improved performance along with the next-gen of Touch ID sensor. The company has also overhauled the camera on its latest iPhones to a 12MP iSight camera capable of shooting 4k videos. The FaceTime camera housed on the front also gets spruced up to 5MP, which uses the smartphone’s display as a makeshift flash in low light conditions.
Apple says that its latest iPhones have managed to break the opening week sales record set by previous-gen iPhones, claiming it has sold over 13 million units of the new iPhones 6S and iPhone 6S Plus since it went on sale on September 25 last month in select countries. Starting October 9, the iPhone 6S and iPhone 6S Plus will be available in more than 40 additional countries that include, Italy, Mexico, Russia, Spain, and Taiwan.
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